cervical cancer
Globally, cervical cancer is the fourth most common cancer among women. Annual exams with AxessPointe greatly reduce your chances of becoming a part of that statistic. There are THREE things every patient should know to help prevent or treat cervical cancer.

Human Papillomavirus and Cervical Cancer

First, cervical cancer is almost exclusively caused by the Human Papillomavirus (HPV).   In fact, there are dozens of variations of this sexually transmitted virus that cause a variety of medical issues.  At least 14 variations cause cervical cancer.

It’s staggering, but HPV currently infects almost 79 million Americans.  Moreover, every year HPV infects over 10 million new people .  In fact, HPV is so common that almost every person who is sexually active will get HPV at some time in their life if they don’t get the vaccine.

Annual gynecological exams with AxessPointe include HPV and cervical cancer screenings.  Don’t neglect taking the time for your check-up.  Early diagnosis is critical to treating HPV or cervical cancer.

Avoid Cervical Cancer with the HPV Vaccine

Secondly, all patients should know you can almost eliminate your chances of getting cervical cancer and other HPV maladies with the HPV vaccine.

The HPV vaccine is safe and effective. It protects against diseases and cancers caused by HPV. The Centers for Disease Control recommends HPV vaccination for everyone age 11 through 26 years.

Talk to our AxessPointe healthcare providers about the HPV vaccine for yourself and your children.  Our team will walk you through any questions or concerns you may have.  In short, vaccines save lives, and provide peace of mind for your loved ones.

HPV Vaccine – It’s for EVERYONE

Third, the HPV vaccine isn’t just a girl thing.  The CDC also recommends boys and men from ages 11 through 26 years receive the vaccine to help stop the spread of the HPV virus.  Just as it protects women, it also protects men from genital warts, penile cancer, anal cancer, and the spread of HPV to sexual partners.

Preventing the spread of the HPV virus saves thousands from significant disease and life-threatening illness.  Be sure you and your loved ones are vaccinated and see your doctor for regular checkups and screenings.

No Insurance? No Problem. AxessPointe has you Covered.

In summary, you can help prevent cervical cancer and the spread of the HPV virus with regular care and vaccinations. Don’t allow insurance concerns to stop you from seeing one of our providers.

AxessPointe sees ALL patients, regardless of their insurance status.  In addition to annual exams, AxessPointe offers appointments for medical, dental, mental health, and bloodwork.   All medical services and pharmacy charges are determined by a sliding-fee scale established during your intake.